[Case Study] National Online University Increases Enrollment, Student Readiness & Tuition Revenue

[Case Study] National Online University Increases Enrollment, Student Readiness & Tuition Revenue

2 minute read

Case Study

The Challenge

This StraighterLine partner school is one of the country’s largest online non-profit universities. To be admitted, applicants need to meet prior credit requirements and have proven college-level math and writing skills. Instead of rejecting these applicants who do not meet the prerequisites, the school wanted to provide a path to help them complete their requirements, allowing them to be admitted, and ultimately preparing for them for success in their degree program.

The Solution

In partnership with StraighterLine, an Academy Program was created as an enrollment pathway for the university’s under prepared students. The Academy Program is a low-cost, low-risk academic “on-ramp” for students. Students are directed to the StraighterLine-powered Academy to enroll in courses, earn necessary credits, and be admitted into their degree  program. 

The Academy Program’s suite of online courses and services is delivered under the university’s brand, creating a seamless experience for the student and connecting them directly back to the university upon completion.

This well-supported experience is designed to help students who have previously struggled in school. The affordable $150/month tuition model allows students to access coursework immediately, move at their own pace, and pay as they go.

Within one year of the launch, the university enrolled over 7,500 Academy Program students accompanied by an incremental increase of nearly $7 million in undergraduate tuition revenue.

The Impact

Students who successfully complete the StraighterLine-powered Academy Program remain enrolled longer at the university and persist to graduation at rates substantially higher than their peers:

93% retention rate vs. 79% direct-to-university students

28% more credits completed/term than direct-to-university students

78% completed degree vs. 34% direct-to-university students


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