Southern College Guide: Where to Transfer StraighterLine Credits

Southern College Guide: Where to Transfer StraighterLine Credits

5 minute read

So you’ve been knocking out college courses online with StraighterLine (or thinking about it) — smart move. StraighterLine helps you save money on college and skip the stress of rigid class schedules, with the assurance that your hard-earned credits will transfer to your school and count toward your degree. If you’re looking for schools in the South that welcome StraighterLine credits with open arms, you’re in the right place. 

Whether you’re aiming for a large university experience, a private college, or career-focused institution, there’s a perfect match for you among our partner colleges and universities in the South. Let’s dive into some of the top Southern colleges where your StraighterLine credits can set you up for success. 

Why Transfer Your StraighterLine Credits?

Before we get into the list, let’s talk about why transferring your StraighterLine credits is a game-changer: 

  • Save Money: Taking courses online with StraighterLine costs about $79 per course (plus your monthly membership fee of just $99). Compare that to the cost of taking just one course directly with a college or university: $1,200 and up. Taking as many courses as you can with StraighterLine and transferring the credits means you don’t have to pay for those courses at a higher tuition rate. By the way, with StraighterLine, you get access to academic advising, on-demand tutoring, digital textbooks, and several other helpful resources at no extra cost!

  • Finish Faster: There are no timelines or deadlines with StraighterLine courses. You can take as little or as much time as you need to complete your course. Most students finish a course in less than a month, and many have cut semesters — even years — off the total time it takes to get a degree!

  • Flexibility: You’re free to take StraighterLine courses when you want, where you want. This means you can earn college credit online without upending your life. 

  • Guaranteed Transfer Options: Over 180 schools have credit transfer agreements in place with us (including many in the South), and 3,000+ schools overall have accepted StraighterLine credit. 

Our courses are reviewed and approved for transfer credit by the American Council on Education (ACE) — which is what many schools are looking for when transferring outside credits. Why does this matter to you? It means there’s a great chance your school accepts StraighterLine credit, so all your hard work will pay off. 

Top Southern Colleges for StraighterLine Transfer Credit

Now, let’s go over which Southern schools guarantee they’ll accept your StraighterLine transfer credits. 











Washington, D.C. 

West Virginia 

Looking for StraighterLine partner schools from states in other regions of the country? Check out these other regional guides of schools that are guaranteed to accept StraighterLine credit: 

How to Transfer Your Credits Successfully 

  1. Check Transfer Policies Early: Each college has its own transfer policies. Make sure your school accepts StraighterLine credits before purchasing a course. Chances are they do, since StraighterLine’s courses are approved and recommended for transfer credit by ACE

  2. Knock Out Your Courses: With your school’s approval, enroll in the StraighterLine courses you want to take, and move through them at your own pace — there are no timelines or deadlines for finishing. You’ll need to aim for a final course grade of 70% or higher to qualify your StraighterLine credits for transfer. 

  3. Get Your Transcript Delivered: Once your courses are complete, request a transcript from your StraighterLine account. Just let us know your school’s details, and we’ll send your grades their way. 

Ready to Make Your Move?

Earning college credit with StraighterLine puts you ahead of the game. No matter where you transfer your credits, StraighterLine courses save you time and money — and will help you turn those credits into a degree that will unlock new opportunities for your career. 

Thinking about earning college credits online? Browse our courses to see which ones match your degree requirements so you can save thousands and enjoy more flexibility on the path to your degree. 


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