Benefits of Your College Career

Earning your college degree will significantly increase your earning potential and job stability. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, bachelor's degree holders earn almost 68% more than those with a high school diploma alone.


Being successful in college opens up a world of possibilities:


  • Increased earning potential

  • Enhanced career opportunities

  • Personal growth and development

  • Broader professional network


Articles to Help with Your College Journey

Navigating college is a journey filled with questions and challenges that require strategic problem-solving. From financial planning to course selection and overcoming academic hurdles, these articles offer practical advice and solutions for issues you might face.

Further Reading:
student exam

7 Ways to Make College More Affordable

college essay

Community College vs. Online Courses

college essay

Do You Have to Take History in College?

college essay

Do You Have to Take Math in College?

college essay

What Are General Education Courses? Your College Curriculum Explained

students studying
girl on laptop

Are Online College Classes Right for You?

As the landscape of higher education evolves, online learning emerges as an enticing option for many students. There are a lot of things to consider when making the decision to attend online courses, but with the right approach, you can thrive. These articles provide essential tips for excelling in the virtual classroom.

Further Reading:
college students

In-Person vs. Online Courses: Which Is Right for You?

college library

What Makes a Successful Online Student?

college library

Tips for Succeeding in an Online English Class

college library

Tips for Succeeding in an Online Math Class

college library

15 Tips for Effective Online Learning

college studying

How to Succeed in Online Classes

Additional Resources for Succeeding in Your College Career

Your college education is a significant step towards achieving your dreams. For more insights and support on your journey, explore these additional articles on our blog.

Further Reading:

The StraighterLine Guide to Taking a College Exam


Time Management Tips: How to Succeed Taking Multiple Courses


The StraighterLine Guide on Procrastinating for College Students

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girl on laptop

Get Ahead and Graduate Early

Graduating on time is a great strategy for success, but an early graduation can help you save even more money on tuition and let you start your career sooner. Check out our tips for taking more classes during the semester or using your breaks wisely in these articles.

Further Reading:
college students

Your Complete Guide to Taking Classes Over the Summer

college library

How to Finish College Faster & Save Money

college library

10 Best Courses to Start Over Spring Break

Making up Lost Credits

Facing setbacks like failed courses or time off doesn't mean the end of your academic goals. Explore some ways to recover lost credits and stay on track while navigating academic challenges.

Further Reading:

Should I Drop a Class? What to Consider Before Doing So


What to Do If You Fail a College Class

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girl on laptop

Managing College Costs

Keeping college costs down is a major part of keeping your college career stress-free. Here is some straightforward advice on making college more affordable and understanding financial aid.

Further Reading:
college students

13 College Tuition Savings Tips

college library

What You Need to Know about the FAFSA

college library

How to Lower the Cost of College

Seven Habits of Incredibly Frugal College Students

Online College vs Traditional College: How to Save Money on a Degree

What to do After Graduation

Deciding what comes next after college is a big step. StraighterLine has resources to help you decide on your direction as a new graduate.

Further Reading:

What Are Employability Skills and How to Grow Yours


How to Get a Job After You Graduate

credit card

Take the Next Step on the Path to Your College Degree

Download the guide and discover how online college courses can help you earn credits more affordably and conveniently, bringing you closer to your degree.

Staying on Track: Graduate on Time

Graduating on time is crucial to keep your tuition costs down and get into the workplace sooner.

Here, you can discover strategies to stay on course and transition smoothly into your professional life.

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How StraighterLine helps you save thousands on college tuition

StraighterLine offers high-quality, accredited online courses at a fraction of the cost of traditional college tuition. Our flexible and accessible courses allow you to earn college credits that are transferable to over 3,000 colleges and universities, paving the way for substantial savings on your educational journey.


  • 350,000+ students have taken StraighterLine courses.

  • 3,000+ schools have accepted ACE transfer credit from StraighterLine.

  • StraighterLine has direct transfer partnerships with 170+ higher education institutions.

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What our students say

"Someone from the school that I registered mentioned that I could take prereq classes that I needed for college at StraighterLine. I could transfer it over which was amazing. It helped me because I only needed one class to transfer that credit. Whenever I needed help with something at StraighterLine, I was able to speak to a live person. They made sure the instructions were available so I could follow the directions on how to complete the assignments. They also have videos of certain things that you can watch. The little keynotes and slides demonstrate what you're learning. There is a knowledge checklist before you go on to the next part, where it tests your knowledge to see if you understand. If you don't, then you can go back to the lesson to relearn it."

- Francisca
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StraighterLine Today

StraighterLine has over 70 courses that are affordable, self-paced, and entirely online. Save time
and money on your degree. Explore our courses and get started today.

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